2023 Bill Rice Tidy Camper Awards
The following are the criteria used for the Tidy Camper Award inspection. A First Place Award will be presented to one Guide Unit, one Scout Troop and one Senior Branch unit.
Part of the site inspection will involve opening the outer door of the tents to peek inside…IF YOUR UNIT WISHES TO OPT OUT OF SITE INSPECTIONS DUE TO ANY CONCERNS, PLEASE ADVISE ASSISTANT CAMP CHIEF,
If there are any questions about the rules / criteria, see the Camp Chief /Assistant Camp Chief, who have the overall say in any discrepancies.
Inspection will be done by the Co-op Staff and Tidy Camper team during the morning and afternoon activities on Saturday. The awards will be presented at the Camp Closing Ceremonies.
The following are details of what will be inspected and the criteria used. The Inspection Sheets will be returned at final inspection along with your Registration Package.
2.1 Site Identification (10)
The Guide Unit / Scout Troop occupying the site should be readily identifiable.
2.2 Theme (10)
Earn extra points for incorporating the theme into your camp site.
2.3 Special Projects (10)
Earn extra points for camp gadgets.
2.4 Site Layout (20)
The site should be laid out in relation to normal weather, kitchen, tents, traffic patterns, natural terrain etc. Identification of site boundaries is desirable.
Tents should be laid out to take advantage of the prevailing weather conditions and the site. They should be away from kitchen, fire and high traffic areas.
The kitchen layout should be designed for eating, cooking, wash-up and storage. There should be an area set aside for wash-up and equipped as per regulations.
The appropriately placed First Aid Kit (based on the size of the Group) is easily accessible.
A duty roster is clear posted which documents the responsibilities so the work load for the weekend is shared throughout the Group.
Right size Fire Extinguisher.
2.5 Equipment Storage (10)
Equipment such as axes, saws, rope etc. is to be stored either in containers in an organized manner or displayed ready for use. Trailers if on site should be appropriately located. i.e. at back of site.
2.6 Garbage Storage (20)
Garbage should be stored in suitable containers in such a way that it will make it difficult for animals to get into it.
Additional recognition will be given for any site that has separated out recyclable items from their other garbage. This would be taken cover materials, specifically cans and bottles. These are to be taken home and recycled.
2.7 Water Storage and Disposal (10)
Water should be available and stored in proper containers.
Provision should be made for the filtering and disposed of the grey water in a designated location.
2.8 Food Storage (20)
Dry goods should be stored in proper containers, be clean and neatly organized. They should be protected from the elements and animals.
Perishables are be stored in coolers with ice, be clean and neatly organized. They should be protected from the elements, especially sources of heat such as direct sunlight.
2.9 Stoves, Lanterns Fire Extinguishers (20)
Fuel should be stored in proper containers and away from ignition points. It must be within the site.
Stoves and lanterns should be clean and ready for use. If naphtha, the pressure should be released, if propane, the supply should be shut off and lines vented.
They should be stored safely.
Fire extinguishing equipment, suitable for the combustibles on site, must be readily available.
2.10 Site Cleanliness (20)
The site should be clean, neat and tidy. There should be no unnatural material on the ground.
Tents should be clean. All equipment should be stored appropriate for the weather conditions and time of day. Personal gear should be stored.